100% Original Product & Well Documented
NextGen – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts is an all in one solution to manage your stores “Pricing and Discounts”. You can manage your stores “Discounts & Pricing” dynamically with all the ease. To get started you just need to create simple rules which describe your “Discounts and Pricing” and That’s it!!.
NextGen – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts is designed to organize your store’s discount and pricing with Ease & Elegance. We have defined the below three features:
Not just discounting price, plugin also adds more value to shop with below special feature.
Product Pricing and Discounts
In Product Pricing and Discounts, you can adjust the discounts across all or the selected products in your store. You can adjust the “Global Conditions”, to add the discounts to all products in your store irrespective of range. You Can add in conditions like Discounts based in $, Discounts based in % or total discount limit. These comes in handy if you apply discounts to a wide range of products. You can even self customize rules based on your business interests. With “Woo Discounts” you can customize your product to handle discounts like.
With “Woo Discounts” you can even add conditions for each rule you define using the above scenarios. You can define conditions on
Our prices are much lower than developers. You can purchase a premium product at an affordable price!
100% clean original files without implemented advertising, viruses or malicious code.
We offer lifetime updates and we stay tuned and regularly lay out a fresh versions of themes and plugins.
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All digital products presented on the website are released under GNU General Public License.
The plugins and themes are GPL licenced so you can use them as often as you like on as many sites as you like.